En forestilling om attentatet på Charlie Hebdo
11. april- 11. maj 2019
Man-fre kl. 20, lør kl. 17
You can experience the performance with English subtitles:
Thursday April 25th
Thursday May 2nd
Thursday May 9th
(English below)
En tirsdag morgen i Paris bliver 13 tegnere brutalt myrdet. I Danmark sidder to dramatikere og følger det hele og prøver at forstå, hvad det er, der sker. Så bliver der skudt i København…
Forestillingen handler om attentatet på Charlie Hebdo i Paris i 2015 og er baseret på en nyskrevet, dansk tekst om terrorangrebet og de dilemmaer, som fulgte i kølevandet på begivenheden. Teksten er skrevet af Kristian T. Erhardsen og Joan Rang Christensen i fællesskab, og man følger de to dramatikeres brevveksling og refleksioner om livet som skabende kunstnere i en krigsførende nation, som den røde tråd igennem forestillingen. Stykket blev readed i sin nuværende form på
Husets Teaters Europæiske Dramatikfestival i 2015. I forbindelse med produktionen vil vi føre teksten op til i dag med reference til de terrorhandlinger, vi efterfølgende har set i verden.
TONIGHT THE WAR COMES HOME is a darkly humoristic and poetic attempt to describe the societal and political situation in Denmark in the aftermath of the recent terror attacks in Europe. A Tuesday morning in January 2015, two armed men force their way into the headquarters of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, and kill 12 members of the magazine’s staff and two police officers.
Having witnessed the attacks in France from a safe distance, two Danish playwrights struggle to grasp the scope of the initial events and the subsequent political debate. As a reaction to their own confusion, the playwrights set out to write a play about the true meaning hidden behind the constant clatter of news stories and political statements. About their own thoughts and feelings, and about how the world reacts. They question the West’s solidarity campaigns on Twitter and Facebook, and they investigate the concept of a good story; the clear distinction between “the good” and “the evil”, for example. And they ask: Do we forget to see each other as humans as the fear of what the others can do becomes too great?
“The first thing I think is that it’s terrible. The next thing I think is that I have to try to understand. I think I have to say something wise. I think I have to post something on Facebook that shows that I have thought something wise. ”(From the introduction to the performance TONIGHT THE WAR COMES HOME.)
TONIGHT THE WAR COMES HOME is a docu-fiction performance about the time after the attack on Charlie Hebdo, seen from the eyes of two playwrights and their desks.
The performance is in Danish, but on three Thursdays you’ll be able to experience the performance with English “subtitles” that you can read of off your phone or at tablet that you borrow in the theatre.
You can experience the performance with English subtitles:
Thursday April 25th
Thursday May 2nd
Thursday May 9th
Marie-Lydie Melono Nokouda og Johannes Lilleøre
Iscenesættelse: Christoffer Berdal
Scenograf: Catia Hauberg Engel
Tekst: Joan Rang Christensen og Kristian Thingholm Erhardsen
Lysdesigner: Sonja Lea
Lyddesigner: Jes Theede
Kostumedesigner: Catia Hauberg Engel
Fotograf: Thomas Cato
Producent: Johns Teater
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Anvendelse af vores fotos skal ske i forbindelse med omtale af forestillingen, og fotografens/grafikerens navn bedes anvendes ved brug.
Fotograf: Thomas Cato
Vi har lavet en række skolematerialer til I NAT KOMMER KRIGEN HJEM, som kan downloades og bruges før og efter forestillingen.